Unit 4 Planning Guide: Teaching Functions, Relations, & Domain and Range in Algebra 1

Being asked to identify the domain and range of a function can often make even older and more experienced Algebra students fumble, but we’re in luck! We were so intentional in choosing the content that was included in our first three units of the year, that this unit will come together with a little smattering of everything that came before.

The functions, relations, domain & range unit will feel like the natural next step continuing off what your students have already learned, allowing for a fumble-free, stress-free unit.

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Unit 3 Planning Guide: Teaching Solving Multi-Step Inequalities in Algebra 1

Solving inequalities is a skill in Algebra 1 that is useful on its own, but it is much more powerful as a connecting unit. The solving multi-step inequalities unit both serves to re-emphasize everything that was learned throughout the solving multi-step equations unit and also sets students up to be successful and stress-free when learning how to identify the domain and range of functions in subsequent units.

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Unit 2 Planning Guide: Teaching Solving Multi-Step Equations in Algebra 1

Solving equations is an essential Algebra 1 skill that comes back in so many ways throughout the year, from rearranging equations to slope-intercept form before graphing a line, to solving systems of equations and even solving quadratic equations.

Solving multi-step equations is at the heart of what we ask Algebra 1 students to do – it is certainly a Top 5 unit if we were ranking them all by importance.

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5 Must-Do’s for Managing Glue & Interactive Notebooks

As the old saying goes, “If you fail to plan (your interactive notebook gluing routines), you are planning to fail.”

More than any other point of frustration I hear from teachers when implementing interactive notebooks is how to deal with all of the glue. While glue may seem like an insignificant part of switching to interactive notebooks, it can really end up being a growing daily thorn if your classroom’s glue management hasn’t been given some intentional prior thought. 

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Everything You Need to Know: Using Interactive Notebooks with AVID

So you just found out you are working at an AVID school and are trying to figure out how to incorporate all the things into your lessons.

Lucky for you, interactive notebooks (INBs) or interactive student notebooks (ISNs) and AVID are a perfect match — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t overwhelming learning how to get started.
PS: There’s no difference between INBs and ISNs, it’s more of a tomayto/tomahto situation.

If you’re new to AVID, here’s a quick rundown:

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5 First Day or Week of School Activities for Secondary Math

Planning for the first day and first week of school can be incredibly stressful because it sets the tone for the entire year. No pressure, right? 

Students are also getting non-stop information about rules, expectations, classroom procedures, and syllabi, so throwing something in to break that up is a must. 

5 first day of school activities for secondary math classrooms

Here are 5 of my favorite activities for the first week of school, that I have used with my Algebra 1 classes over the years but are perfect for any middle school math classroom:

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How to Save Time with Interactive Notebooks in Algebra 1

“I’m wanting to do interactive notebooks, but how do you make it not take so long?”

This is, by far, the #1 question I get from other math teachers.

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How to use Interactive Notebooks as Study Tools in Algebra 1

Interactive notebooks are study tools at their core. There are many ways to encourage students to develop this relationship with their notebook. Here are a few:

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How to Grade Interactive Notebooks in Algebra 1

“How do you grade interactive notebooks” is a common question I get.

And, to be honest, I don’t.

Not always anyways!

To Grade or Not to Grade?

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